Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fact #1

Shortly before his execution, Timothy McVeigh constructed a scale model of the Lincoln Memorial with popsicle sticks....

hahahaha wtf???

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Welcome to GoPaul Facts, a blog set to bring you, the reader,  a bunch of  "facts" some truth most not. But in a very convincing way so that it will truly be hard to tell if it's real or if its a" Gopaul fact" aka bs....

Just to give you a little insight about what a GoPaul fact is and where it came from...
These "facts" are not real, not the truth.  They are statements that are told to you in such a persuasive way that you would swear it was true too! The reason why these false or untrue statements are being called GoPaul facts is because  we have a good friend that tells us these long detailed stories about a random statements and swears by them saying there true facts, and most of time it will having you think twice about it as well.  This blog is our way to share some of those random "facts" with you as well as some other funny statements that may or may not be true, thats for you to decide.....